Program information

Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary offers an early immersion program in a caring and nurturing learning environment. We are committed to providing an environment of inclusion and respect all while fostering and developing critical thinkers and a balanced environment to meet the social and emotional needs of all of our students. We believe in working closely with families and the community to provide our students real life experiences to link their classroom learning to the world outside. Our goal is to prepare our students to be life-long bilingual learners.

Early Immersion

PETES is an early immersion elementary school. The Early Immersion Program offers French language instruction at 85% for Kindergarten and Cycle 1.  

K4: Play-Based Program taught in English & students receive 90 minutes of Phys. Ed.

K5: Play-Based Program taught in French & students receive 90 minutes of Phys. Ed.

Cycle 1 (Grade 1 & 2): All subjects are taught in French with the exception of their specialist periods in Phys. Ed, Music & Art

Cycle 2 (Grade 3 & 4): 50% English (ELA & Math, ERC) & 50% French (French, Science, Social Studies, Art) their specialist periods in 

Phys. Ed, Music & Art are taught in English

Cycle 3 (Grade 5 & 6): 50% English (ELA & Math, ERC) & 50% French (French, Science, Social Studies, Art) their specialist periods in  

Phys. Ed, Music & Art are taught in English


Phys. Ed.: Kindergarten (K4 & K5) = 90 minutes Cycle 1-3 = 150 minutes

Music: Cycle 1-3 = 60 minutes

Art: Cycle 1-3 = 60 minutes